About Us
Welcome! My name is Erica Ahmed and I am the proud owner of The Green Laundress. I started developing cleaning products shortly after the birth of my daughter. As long as I can remember, she has always had very sensitive skin. You name it, I bought it! Unfortunately, we had very little success with commercial products so my journey to natural cleaning began. I started researching and experimenting until I came up with the right combination of natural, non-toxic ingredients. My daughter still has sensitive skin but she is able to use the products with no problem. Our products are eco- and people- friendly.
I look forward to making your home, school and office a little greener!
Yours truly,
The Green Laundress

Use The Green Laundress to:
- Reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals in cleaning products
- Decrease risk of developing asthma--(most common chronic illness that accounts for the highest rate of absenteeism from school) 14 million school days lost every year!
- Improve indoor air quality in your home, school, and workplace
- Enjoy clean refreshing scents; not artificial or heavy